Lifecycle Events

From birth through death, Jewish ritual helps us feel rooted. Through ritual, we connect to our tradition, to our personal histories, to our families, and to our community. And we deepen our awareness of the sacred dimensions in our lives. By marking the significant events in our lives with ritual, we can reflect on who we are and who we might become. And ritual allows us to be teachers – to share with our family, friends, and community what living Jewishly means to us.

At Congregation Shaarey Tikvah, we share in the celebrations of brit milah, simchat bat and baby namings, Hagigat HaTorah, b’nai mitzvah, weddings, funerals and shiva.  We sit together during times of illness and loss, mourning and remembering. Our clergy and professional staff support and facilitate all of our lifecycle rituals with the highest professional standards. 

Our sanctuary and Beit T’filah, as well as the large and small social halls, are available for your next lifecycle event. Please contact Holly Sukol anytime to learn more.

We want to be a part of your life.  Please let us know of the special events and occasions in your life so that we can celebrate with you by offering an Aliyah or a special blessing during Shabbat services. As a kehilla kedosha (sacred community), we wish to be together to share moments of great joy and to comfort and to support each other during times of sadness. Please know that we are here for you and ask you to notify the Rabbi of any challenges you are facing or losses you may have experienced.