Special Happenings

Special Happenings

For Families

Chaverim Shabbat.  At Shaarey Tikvah, we love celebrating Shabbat together with our shul family.  Family Fridays is a program for families with children 0 – 18.  We celebrate a musical and fun Kabbalat Shabbat service and then enjoy Shabbat dinner together as a community.  Family Fridays are held bi-monthly from 5:45 pm to 7:30 pm during the school year.

Pajama Neshama. A bi-monthly erev Shabbat experience for our youngest congregants: children 0 – 5 and their families. We gather in our pajamas for a kid-friendly Shabbat dinner at 5:30 pm, followed by songs, games, and stories with Rabbi Roland. 

Family Havdalah. In this annual winter evening program, families gather together to bid farewell to Shabbat.  There are crafts and activities as well as singing and a light dinner.

For Adults

Ladies Night Out.  Several times a year there are different events for the women of our congregation to gather and enjoy each other’s company.

Games Night. An annual gathering.  Come join us for mah jongg, Taboo, and whatever games you’d like to bring.

Bowling Night. Co-sponsored by the Sisterhood and the Men’s Club.  A group of friends spend the evening chatting, bowling, and laughing.  Gutter rails optional.

Global Day of Learning. Mid-fall afternoon of single subject learning. Guest speakers and light refreshments.

Short Story Discussion Group. Sponsored by Sisterhood and held various times throughout the year in congregants’ homes.

For Everyone

Men’s Club BBQ.  A great way to celebrate summer.  Enjoy a great BBQ dinner, play games in the parking lot, hang out with friends.  The Men’s Club always have something special planned like rides on the Cleveland Rocket Car.

Sundown Shabbat.  In the summer we have the chance to welcome Shabbat outside.  Enjoy a lively service full of song.  Join with friends as we enjoy a picnic dinner together.  Service begins at 6:00 pm.

Apple Picking.  Meet at Eddy’s and pick apples with Shaarey Tikvah friends just in time for Rosh Hashanah.  Bring along a picnic lunch and enjoy the morning longer.  Swap apple recipes with friends.  Who makes the best apple cake??  Join us and have fun.

Shabbat Roulette and Sukkah Hop.  A great way to mix it up and spend a Shabbat or Sukkot meal with Shaarey Tikvah friends.  Sign up as a host or a guest and see where the wheel sends you.  Be on the look out for upcoming dates.

Learning Opportunities. We have many ways to engage in meaningful learning at Shaarey Tikvah.  Check out our “Learn” tab for all the details.