Volunteer Opportunities @ CST

Members of our synagogue can be involved in many ways. If you are interested in any of the listings below, please get in touch with Holly Sukol. If you have a particular skill you would like to share, let us know. Thanks so much for your interest and dedication to making Shaarey Tikvah all it can be.
- Friday Office volunteers – 9 am to 1 pm to fill in on Debbie’s day off.
- General Office Volunteers – As needed to get out mailings, update website events, etc.
- Gardening – Let’s make CST look its best from April to October. We have the tools to mow the lawn, rake, prune, plant and weed. If you have the eye, the back, the desire and the sunscreen, you’re in!
- Cooking/Baking – Shabbat and special events.
- Sisterhood (General) – Looking for members, old and new, to take leadership roles and help planning events.
- Men’s Club – Always looking for members, old and new, to take leadership roles and help planning events.
- Tzedek v’Chesed – Looking for people to drop books at the Little Free Library, pack bags for the Kosher Food Bank, bring shiva meals to the mourning, provide rides to congregants on Shabbat and so much more!
- Committee work – Assume various roles (leadership and non-leadership) on Membership, Fundraising, Finance, Development, Worship and the Education Va’ad.
Opportunities for Lay Leadership

Being a small congregation, CST relies on the hard work of its volunteers. From joining a committee, to leading services, to helping with mailings, our volunteers are the lifeblood of our community. We welcome your help in the following ways:
- Teaching an adult education course
- Leading an adult education Lunch & Learn
- Leading a Shabbat service
- Reading Torah
- Chanting Haftarah
- Giving a d’var Torah
- Membership activities
- Education activities
- Development activities
- Marketing activities
- Sisterhood
- Men’s Club
- Home hospitality
- Organizing an event or series of events
- Baking for kiddush
- Archiving synagogue history
- Helping in the office
We welcome your involvement! To inquire about ways that you might be willing to contribute, please contact Holly Sukol.